Game engine from scratch #2 - Texture and mesh import
26 December 2023
A crude implementation for importing assets using lodepng and cgltf to import .png images and .gltf files.

fully from scratch is not a hill I’m willing to die on, so at least png and gltf import are now done using lodepng and cgltf respectively.
I should probably implement quaternions so that I don’t have to look at this 3D model rotated at 90 degrees any longer.
also, the loading of assets is all hard-coded now. Getting it into production ready scalable state will be the main challenge :)
I used this 3D model. You be the judge of how successful I have been in importing it.
This work is based on “Sea House” (…) by Alena Shek ( licensed under CC-BY-4.0 (…)