Project 3 - Ubiquitous Augmented Fashion
1 May 2021
Tags: AR VR
Project 3 (B2.2 project) at the TU/e ID bachelor. This project aimed to research through first-person perspectives what a future with AR glasses would look like, and would permanently walk around with digital garments. I also experimented with Machine Learning and computer vision algorithms.
Current developments in AR and digital fashion allow us to fantasise about a future where we will be able to digitally augment the way we dress and present ourselves.
We use design fiction to explore the social implications of integrating this technology in our daily lives. We started off by defining a future scenario by extrapolating from current trends, in which AR glasses and the AR metaverse have become ubiquitous. We used this as a basis for autoethnographic exploration, in which we experienced what it was like to design and wear augmented fashion.
Our experiences from this exploration allowed us to further construct our fictional futures, with the designed outfits functioning as diegetic prototypes. With this, we organized multiple discussion sessions with people with various levels of knowledge on the topic. We are currently hard at work processing and analysing our data and are excited about sharing our results soon.